Online Reservation Desk

For clients who want to book their own accommodations but do not need any other of the valued services we offer, this complimentary and convenient booking tool is available for a wide range of luxury hotels around the world.

Powered by Virtuoso, our clients have direct access to instantly book hotels and are automatically flagged as VIPs with luxury amenities often adding hundreds of dollars in additional value.

How It Works

  • 1. Create An Account

    In the top right corner of this site, click “sign in”. If it’s your first time using the tool, create a free account. Complete the prompted fields & hit the red “Create” button.

  • 2. Choose Your Destination

    Enter your destination, or the exact hotel name you’re looking for, if you know it. Select your desired hotel.

  • 3. Review The Details

    Review the properties and click the red “Check Rates and Availability” button. Enter travel dates and traveler count.

  • 4. Book Your Hotel

    Hit the red “Book” button. After booking, we’ll ensure your travel preferences are communicated so that each hotel stay is a VIP experience.